I love him i want a Dua to get him back

As-salam Alaykum My Dear All brother and sister, You are here because you need dua to get someone back in your life. I ensure you that after reading this post, you will have enough information regarding this dua to get lost love back in 3 days.

Let me give a quick summary of this post. Here you will found lots of Duas and wazifas regarding love back. Read all duas and then chose one to perform according to your comfort.

Losing a person close to you is a big deal to handle. We know it’s really hard to overcome a breakup. But we need to know that there will be ups and downs in every relationship.

If you seriously want to get back with your lover then believe me this article is going to help you a lot.

I Want a Dua To Get Him Back Step by Step

  • Recite This Dua Maghrib Evening Prayer If you want the best results.
  • First of all, you need to create an ablution.
  • Now think about your lover too, who you want to get him back to.
  • Now Recite “ya Ilaha Illallah” 340 Times.
  • After this, You Read Verse No 40. of Surah-Ya-Sin at least seven times.
  • You can take a glass of water and drink it slowly while remembering Allah Tallah.
  • Do this consistently without stopping for five days straight.
  • If you performed correctly, Then you will get results after six days.

Dua for Someone to Come Back to You

This dua is mainly for those who want to get their lover or husband back in their life. It’s also beneficial and a working dua for such an issue. Losing love is very painful, but after performing this “dua to make someone love you back“, you will be back with your lover Insha Allah.

  • You have to perform dua for someone to come back to you on the first Thursday of a new moon.
  • Do ablution before going to bed.
  • Always read Durood Sharif in starting and in the ending of wazifa for 11 times.
  • You have to recite the ayat we will mention below for 101 times.

Dua To Get My Ex Love Back

This is true for all cases; if one door closes, another door is already opened; trust the time and god for better things to happen.

Some auspicious things are to be done to get your ex-love back from the day of Friday starts this wazifa; it is recitation, sitting towards qibla facing; direction facing towards mecca in Saudi Arabia, Do wazu and keep imagining the person you want back.

There are some steps to be followed:

  • This Dua is read after the isha namaz; this namaz is considered a mandatory prayer in Islam. It is the second prayer of the day, as according to Islam, the day starts after sunset.
  • First, read the Durood Shareef about 11 times; Durood Shareef is some sentences that highlight praise and honor. They are consist of blessings sent to Prophet Muhammad and his family.
  • Then start reading Surah Ikhlaas about 313 times; surah Ikhlaas is related to purity. his is for pleasing Allah and to bring the blessing of Allah in your sweet home.
  • Then start reading ya Wadoodu about 313 times; ya wadoodo means loving one.
  • The last step is to repeat the first step. Read Durood Shareef about 11 times.

Dua that will bring the lost one back

If you are on your way to meet your soul mate and would like to see that guy as the love of your life that you dreamed of, then I Want a Dua To Get Him Back is the best option.

It will help you meet the right guy who will dedicate himself entirely to you and give you the best of all worlds as well. You will help out this Quranic amal if you have an idea of someone in your head or want your pitch to be with you. Also, you can consult Maulana Ji for guidance to get your lover back.

how to do this dua

  • Please know that if you are going through hard times, then you are not alone.
  • A lot of people have been through what you are going through.
  • A lot of them have come out of these hard times.
  • Just believe in the power of prayer and the universe, magic, and the power of Allah Talla, and the power of belief.
  • You, too, can be one of those success stories and do not have to be a cautionary tale.
  • If you want to bring that lost someone back in your life to make your life whole again.
  • First of all, you need to start practicing Namaz at least three times a day at the very least.
  • Half of your trouble will be automatically solved by just practicing Namaz and making it a part of your routine.
  • Don’t worry if Namaz is not a part of your daily routine.
  • It is all about getting into the habit.
  • Once Namaz has become a part of your routine, you will not be able to live without it.